What is GINI ?

We all know economic inequality exists in the society.We keep hearing that Rich are becoming Richer and Poor are becoming Poorer. This is measured by economists with the help of an Index called GINI.
GINI is Generalised Ineqality Index. This is also called as GINI Coefficient or GINI Ratio.

Corrado Gini 
An Italian Statistician named Corrado Gini invented this term in the early 20th century.
This is expressed mostly as a number between 0 to 1. 0 is Absolute Equality and 1 is Absolute In-equality.
The lower GINI indicates equality. Higher GINI indicates Greater Inequality.

So to say,a 1 GINI,the country has very high equality. There is no difference between  Rich and Poor. 
All earn the same. 

So, either all are Rich or all are Poor: Equality exists! It has nothing to do with the total wealth of a country. Gini Index essentially tells us how the income or wealth is distributed among the population of a country. 

Though GINI is computed by mathematical Formulae involving Lorenz Curve,the basic understanding of GINI helps us understand the genesis of revolutions like  Occupy Wall Street
Congressional Budget Office report says that...

in 1980, 1% of the US population earned  9.1%  of the Total income of US. 
in 2006, 1% of the US population earned 18.8% of the Total income of US.
.....This is the Genesis of Occupy Wall Street!

To understand GINI a little better...Let us take this small hypothetical example....

Consider Country A  with a total wealth $ 100 Million and a Population of 100. Consider that and each citizen earns $1Million So, the wealth is equally distributed.  so , the GINI Index will be 0.
This means complete Equality! The wealth of a country is equally distributed. There is No Inequality. 
Now think of this....
99 Citizens together earn $1Million (each earning $ 10,101*99 Citizens =$ 1,000,000 ) .1 Citizen earns rest of $ 99 Million. This is absolute InEquality! So the GINI will be almost equal to 1

Let me give you yet another example. If someone says.... 5% of the population hold 80% of the wealth of the nation, Rest of the 95% population hold 20% of the wealth, The country will have high Gini.
Here is the GINI  map of the world.

Here is a wonderful Infography from Visual Economics.

Quick Leadership Assessment : Korn Ferry Assessment tool

Need a quick Leadership assessment? 
Want to know your hidden strengths and blind spots?
Try this new tool on LinkedIn . All you need is 10 minutes of time.
It's Free! I recommend it . Try it now. Enjoy....

You will discover your Top 5 Leadership characteristics. You need to follow 3 Steps that would take about 10 minutes of your time.

These 3 Steps are :
    Step 1 : Strength Sort : This takes about 5 minutes
    Step 2 : Weakness Sort : This takes about 3 minutes
    Step 3 : Word Pairs : This takes about 2 minutes

After completing the assessment, you will be able to download a personalized report.
You can share results on LinkedIn and also request your LinkedIn connections to assess you. 
You may discover hidden strengths and also your blind spots.

You can use LinkedIn version or an online version -Whichever suits you!

Here are the links...
Korn Ferry Assessment on Linkedin
Korn Ferry Assessment : Online Version
Korn Ferry Website
Using Assessments : A PDF for your understanding.

Live web pages in PowerPoint

There will be many occasions where you wanted to show a live webpage in PowerPoint without moving away from the presentation.
This is where  Live Web Pages for PowerPoint will be of great use...This is a small simple and easy to use add-in for PowerPoint.
You can insert Live Web Pages in a slide and can also refresh the webpage during a slideshow or live presentation.
This add-in is one from a fantastic Powerpoint add-in created by Micorosft's Most Valuable Professional  Shyam Pillai.
LiveWeb - insert and view web pages real-time.
How to use this Live Web is explained Step by Step in this blog. Here is the link.

How to use Live Web Pages for Powerpoint

I recommend you to browse  Shyam Pillai's site for many useful tips and PowerPoint Add-ins.

Meeting requests in Outlook across Time-zones

Those who send meeting requests for Webcast across the world  often encounter with the problem of Time zones . 

It's difficult to understand whether the timing is appropriate or not  for all participants to join. The timing that is convenient to you may be out of office hours for the participants. So you need a tool that should tell you what will be the time in their country against the proposed meeting time by you.
At this juncture, It is prudent to understand how outlook handles time zones.

Outlook has built-in Time zone manager. The simple explanation on how it works  is...

When the requester mentions time  for an appointment,It shows Time according to the time set    for the requester's time. and in the background It converts it in to GMT.

When it sends the appointment to attendee, it converts the time from GMT to the local time based on the time setting of the attendee's computer!
In the process, it also considers daylight saving time adjustments also while transferring and showing the appointment on the attendee's calendar!

If you are looking for more details,read the article by Microsoft  :

How Outlook handles time zones for meeting requests

Now that we have understood the basics of Outlook appoint management, lets get back to our problem...

Understanding appropriateness of time across time zones while scheduling meetings and sending an invite on Outlook.

Here is a simple and wonderful Outlook add-in that was an outcome of 'bad'experiences of the author Shai Raiten.

Here is the link to his post and the download link for Add-in

Appointment World Times – Outlook 2010 Add in

The add in is very easy to install and simple to use...
As you input the Timing according to your Calender, It shows the time in various countries(to be selected from list to avoid the clutter of all countries) 

The add in is brilliant piece of work by Shai Ratien, a Microsoft Most valuable Professional.
I recommend it to all those who work with people across timezones.