Problem ? I Google. I Solve.

Missing Excel 2010 Drag and Drop functionality.

'Excel 2010 has no drag and drop functionality' my friend declared.
He sulked....4 Months of suffering solution…
I checked his computer. True. there is no drag and drop functionality. 

I checked my computer; Drag and drop are available… I thought it must be some excel setting.
So, I Googled.

The answer lies in a small tweak.
File > Options > Advanced
Enable fill handle and cell drag-and-drop: Ensure the box is checked.
Take a look at this Picture here the Box is not checked. So Check It....That's the Solution 

Problem? I Google. I Solve.
Four months of suffering  Vs.  Instant solution the difference is ….a friend called 

Sales Forecasting : Easy and Simple

Sales Forecasting is a Paradox. 

Theoretically, Faaaarther the Period, Poorer the Reliability.
Whereas, in the real world its the opposite...This month, not very sure; year end, guarantee. ;-)
I may not solve the Paradox but, here is a easy and simple tool to forecast sales.
Two simple rules and a bit of Stats were used to create this tool in Excel.
       ~ The near future most likely will be an extension of our known past....
           Like we know that tomorrow should more or less will be like today...The Armageddon is far away
       ~  Seasonality exists in sales and the reason may not always be the Mother nature
           Like we know soft drinks sell during summer and on a sales closing day, we do more sales
Download the Excel and take a look at the Powerpoint to understand and use the tool.
This is a DOCOMO stuff! (Download,Copy and Modify at your will...You can find them @Downloads

Wangiri Calls : One Ring and Cut Calls

India knows the "value" of nothingness.
Ancient India invented Zero. 
Modern India Invented missed Call.
The whole world embraced both the inventions with high intensity.
This post is about the making 'misuse' of the invention called 'missed call' by some unscrupulous people.
I recently received a couple of missed calls from overseas. I tried returning the call but heard a recorded voice say that this is an international call and is chargeable. Little unusual. 
So, I Goggled the number to find innumerable posts confirming that it is a fake call.
Yesterday another call with +44 identifiable as England. But the number is unknown.I returned the call but this time no recorded voice. So I had the chance of hearing some husky Ohs.. and acoustic Ahs.. (once again, recorded I believe!)
It took me about 7 sec. to understand that it’s a chargeable porn call. So I dropped the call. I am sure I must have been charged for those 7-8 Secs. at a premium rate. It makes sense to presume that these numbers are premium rate International calls.
So, the moral of the story is ….
India invented missed call! Others have created a business case around it.
What an Idea Sirji!
Indian missed call is Communication. Overseas missed call means Commercialization.
Action : Ignore missed calls from unknown numbers ( Called Wangiri Calls: literally,' One (ring) and cut')
PS: My Google Gyan: 

Computing trendline values in Excel

Forecasting is an Art,Science,Social studies,Maths and more 
Use of trends can make forecasting easy ! And God's gift to corporate mankind can make it easier !( Well, I 'am referring to Excel)
However, the trend line in excel does not display the values it holds. Computing the values on excel is an extremely confusing stuff .
You need to use innumerable formulae in excel to arrive at the values.
Just to make the job easy, here I present a way to do it. I have also attached an excel file link in the presentation. You can download the same and use it.
Alternatively you can download it from my BOX: Trendlines.XLS
Computing trendline values in excel

Gmail IDs are Dot Blind and Caps Blind - Double blind* !!!

Yes ! Gmail IDs are DOT Blind & CAPS Blind and It's Good for us
* Do not infer from medical word Double Blind 

Gmail is is DOT Blind and CAPS Blind.
This means you may use Dots and Caps as you please in a Google e-mail Id and nothing goes wrong! 
Consider... your mail ID as
Gmail is DOTS blind. so, your mail id can be written as or or any other combination of text and dots.
Gmail is CAPS blind. so, your mail id can be written as
FIRSTNAMESECONDNAME@GMAIL.COM or in any other combination of Small and CAPS

Even a combination of DOTS and CAPS works in Gmail.
That's why It is Double Blind so, your mail id can be written as

or in any other combination of Small and CAPS, Dots,No DOTS. 
Don't Worry. You mail will be delivered !

Segmentation Variables

Pharma Customer Segmentation Variables for India and most of the EMs.
Many a time I searched the net for Segmentation variables. Every time I failed.
So,I decided to create one. Here is the list...
Maybe not the perfect one. But, serves to ignite new ideas. It may serve some who wish to just believe in my understanding of the market and go with this list.
Yes! You may take the list as it has over 125 segmentation variables...
The real success of the use lies in selecting the parameter that best suits your brand! 
That,  I leave it to your Wisdom.

you may download the file here: my downloads page. 
Remember even though it is Pharma specific,  with small tweaks here and there it can serve every industry!
If you wish to thank me, please Comment. If you have no comments to offer, Share with others.

Pharma , Doctors and Games : New tools to engage ?

We all have been reading that Pharma is vying for new means to reach and engage customers under the backdrop of dwindling access to doctors across the world.
Social Media in Pharma is quite a hot topic! It consistently remained "Hot" for the last 2 Years and may remain hot till Pharma embarrasses the new modes of communication.
Are Games going to be a new way? 
Watch a new game "Fever Frenzy". It's for everyone not just for doctors.
However, imagine a game on similar lines exclusively for doctors with a dash of Hi-Fi medical science that challenges and tests the  Doctor's ability to diagnose and treat patients at the same time generously treating the doctors with a dose of excitement and competition...
More dope on the same subject
Social.eyeforpharma : Future Pharma
Let's wait and watch...
Here are the first cut views of   Fever Frenzy
This is a brief description of the game given on the iTunes Apple store.
Diagnose and treat weird patients in this fun game of speed and strategy. Cure bipolarbear disorder, baboonic plague, mother goose bumps, 3rd degree sideburns and much more. These uniquely strange patients change appearance (for the better) when you successfully discharge them from the hospital.
★ Diagnose, treat, and cure patients with the dreaded polka pox and more in this wacky time management game!
★ Master 40 challenging levels!
★ Explore 4 different hospital settings, e.g., safari hospital, mental hospital, and more.
★ Search for a cure in the DNA mini-game!
★ Customize your character!