Waterfall charts a.k.a Mario chart

Waterfall Charts are consultant's favourite charts!.
No wonder they are often referred to as McKinsey style waterfall chart!
Apparently, they look difficult to create but once you know the secret, it works like magic.

They are the best choice if you want to show how increments and decrements impact quantitative change in a given parameter. 

Let me explain.
In the year 2011, your company sales are 100K €. You have a plan to reach 330 K € by 2016.
Here is the data...

The data can be best shown in a waterfall chart. The chart looks like this

Sales Projections from 2011-2016 increments
totalling to 2016 final sales shown in the waterfall chart

The trick is - arrangement of data and hiding some components of a normal stacked bar chart! I have explained the same in the attached excel. Have a look at it!
Even if you do not understand.... no problem.. use ready-made charts from the same excel! I have given 4 different scenarios of the same chart.

You can download the file from the Downloads @ section of LCDing. 
It's a DOCOMO.. stuff (Download, Copy ,Modify)

Multiple same name Contacts or Duplicate Contacts on android

The Simplest Way to manage multiple same name contacts is using Google Contacts.
First, sync all contacts with Google Contacts. Consider Google contacts as a single point of storage.
Go to your Google Account,  and in  Two simple steps merge all the duplicates as shown below...
Here is the path
Contacts >> More >> Find & Merge Duplicates.
Sync Back to Mobile!

Text Visualizations with manyeyes

Text and Data visualization ? Try many eyes.
You can explore and create spectacular and compelling data visualizations. The name of the site is apt as you can view data through "manyeyes".
You need to register to log in to use your own data. 
well in addition to normal visualizations, the best part of the site is text analytics. This is quite important in the context that everyone is viewing to get insights of from huge piles of data generated on social media! Bringing out essence from text is made possible through various text analytical tools available.
Here, I present you the way religions describe The God. I have taken from Internet how various religions describe The God.
Sabka Malik Ek......means - One God Governs All
This is how It appears if I create a Word Cloud without editing data!

This is an example.
You can load your own data like text of your own speech, text from an article etc. and analyze the essence of the text!
Just to ignite your thoughts... 
~ Use the brand message text...
~ Use your CEO's Speech...
~ Use your brand detailing story...
~ Use text from your own presentation....
~ Use Ted Transcripts
I recommend Word Cloud  and Word Tree 
Word Cloud to know what the audience will hear from you (Top most repeated words. Obviously! )
Word Tree to know how a word is contexted.
Visit the site Watch the Video to learn more! Click the link. 

Outlook 2010 - Edit "Subject" of a Message

Most often,you find the e mail messages from Outlook  go to and fro between people without any change in the "Subject" that gives you an idea or hint about the content of the message. 
      As the conversation grows,more and more mails accumulate either with "FW:" or "RE:" without change of "Subject".You may now find it difficult to trace the appropriate mail.
A simple solution to this is : Editing the subject to a meaningful and recognizable header to trace it easily for future reference.
To edit the "Subject" , follow these 4 Simple Steps..
 Step 1: Open the message.
 Step 2: Click Action >>  Edit Message (as shown in the picture)
 Step 3: Go to Subject>> Edit it and close the message.

 Step 4: When it prompts you to Save changes,Click Yes.

Extracting bounced back email IDs from Outlook : Addressing the pain point in e-mail marketing

Email  marketing is abuzz! 
With great efforts you collect e mail Ids. With greater enthusiasm you send e-mails.
Click Send.
Give the system a sec…A series of bounced mail ids land in to your Inbox…. 
The reason , Wrong Mail Ids…..
Now the job is to compile all wrong mail Ids from all those bounce back mails or Wrong mail Ids. It’s dreadfully painful (Is this expression correct ?)to go to each return mail and collect the Id.
Recently I faced similar challenge! 
I Googled and bumped in to looooong Macros. 
Some suggested Import export…I tried and failed with all those solutions and may be because of ability to understand and execute the solution... and then….
Falsh $#@%^&* Flash…….!
New Idea !   Indian Jugad ! Quick and Dirty !
The Idea is as simple as ... Select , Copy and Paste.
Ctrl + A , Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V.
Here below is the explanation….
Open the  Outlook  .
Keep all mail Delivery failures in a Folder. Now do the following as shown in...
Picture 1 : On the fields bar , Select Field Chooser
Picture 2 : Menu Opens up like this. Drag to  the fields bar
Picture 3 : Now you have  “to” Mail Id and Other fields
Now It's just  Ctrl + A , Ctrl + C .
Open Excel and Ctrl + V.

Bingo… Now you have an excel with a column full of wrong mail Ids....
It was an eureka moment when I found the simplest solutionI was remembering the story...Americans had spent millions of dollars to invent a pen that writes in space where as Russians wrote with pencil !
Jugaad Zindabad