are everywhere. Problems are opportunities. The more, the merrier.
, we all make money on problems. Every single business in the world thrives by
offering a solution to a problem. However, we are yet to recognize that many times,
the problem itself is the solution.
Here I furnish
six Innovative solutions by experts using the problem itself as a solution.
Vaccines: Use the Pathogen itself as a Medicine
A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a
disease-causing microorganism, and is often made from weakened or killed forms
of the microbe, its toxins or one of its surface proteins.
Traffic Jams: Avert bigger traffic jams by
creating Smaller Traffic jams.
Indeed. Haven’t you thought that systematically small traffic jams are created
at every Red light to ensure you avoid bigger traffic jams? We all know the
chaos when traffic signals fail. Mumbaikers, the citizens of Mumbai Know its
Value. That’s why you find they rarely jump the signals. Want to know more science behind this, read
the brilliant book titled “Numbers Rule Your World: The Hidden
Influence of Probabilities” by Kaiser Fung.
Population Control: Control Population by
increasing the life expectancy at Birth (reducing child mortality)
shows when child death rates are high, families tend to have more children in
anticipation of child mortality. we may not agree Immediately due to a lack of understanding
of numbers. Take a look at the Video by Prof Hans Rosling. He says …Child survival will help in stopping
population growth, will help the family also having fewer pregnancies.
: Similia
Similibus Curanter (Latin)
or in plain English, “that
which can cause can cure”. In a layman’s language, a substance that causes the
symptoms of a disease in healthy people will cure similar symptoms in sick
people. This is the fundamental principle of Homeopathy.
Mosquitoes: Control Population of Mosquitoes by
breeding more mosquitoes
Yes. Oxytec, a company of Mr Haden Parry has a solution
to control the mosquito menace. The solution is to breed a special male
mosquito that can regulate female mosquito fertility. All you need to do is breed them and leave them to the environment. The concept lies in using two biological features. One is that male
mosquitoes do not bite and so, it can not cause disease and the other one is a law of nature! The male will always find females to mate with!
Cybersecurity: “Hacktivists” as cybersecurity
professionals or Anti Hacker hackers!
the world uses hackers to combat cybercrime. We now have Ethical Hacking as a respectable profession!
We were
never taught to look for the solution in the problem itself. So, we need to unlearn and relearn.
unlearning and relearning can creatively change our approach to the problem and possibly bring in innovative solutions.
it is a cliché, I dare to quote “Even Impossible and I ‘ m possible”.
Does it ring a bell?