The New Age Resumes n' Resignations :-)

People are re-inventing resume. That’s what I see happening on the web world. At least, a part of the world appears to have moved away from traditional curriculum vitae.
A New Age Resume can creatively harness the power of communication channels to get you the right job you love.
Before I talk about new age resumes, 
I believe, one must have a primordial Google Resume.
Google Resume : 
If you are not on Google you do not exist.
Yes, At least in the corporate world. So Google is your primordial resume.
Manage it with your presence on WWW.
Give more to W3  & Get Richer on Google.

Coming back to Resumes, I believe that a resume should answer the 5W-1H’s

A New Age Resume?
( Who,Where,When,Why,What and How)
It should represent
Who you are, 
Where you work , 
When you did What ,
Why you are the best, 
What you are good at, 
How you can bring in value. 
In essence, It should showcase your Knowledge, Skill and Will. 

Here, I present you  creative ways of "selling you and your story"

~  Video Resumes
~   PowerPoint Resume
~   Webinar Resume
~   Live Resume
~   LinkedIn Resume
~   Infographic Resume
~   Other Awesome Resumes 

Video resume : 
is a most comprehensive way to present one's self. You will not only be able to showcase your skills and abilities but also show the prospective employer you look and behave. 
The advantage of a video resume is .. It aids you to showcase your positive body language.

PowerPoint Resume : 
is the easiest, most effective resume. Get inspired by these Powerpoint resumes on Slide Share. I am sure, it can bring in lots of value and creative ideas.
Get Inspired: 30 Best Visual PowerPoint Résumés for your Inspiration

Webinar Resume : 
It is a mix of visual, audio as well as PowerPoint. It can showcase your knowledge on a subject.
Use Google Hangouts, Slide share Zipcast or TeamViewer or anymeeting to conduct Free webinars and get noticed.

Live Resume :
You can make your Online presence your resume. Your website, Your Facebook, Your Twitter, Your Pinterest, Your Scoopit, Your Blog, Your LinkedIn, Your Comments on social media, Your likes and Your responses on online forums your Live Resume.
Your website can be your CV, Your online creativity can become your CV.
We all should know our profiles on Linkedin are our resumes, Live and Kicking....

Philippe Dubost created that is a look-alike of Amazon Product page. 
It's gone Viral. Take a look at his live resume....

Take a look at this post in Business get Inspiration...

LinkedIn Resume : 
Fortunately, LinkedIn offers many features to garnish your profile, showcase your work ( of course without conflict of interest with your present organization)
The three rules for the best resume on LinkedIn are..
   1. Complete in all aspects. ( Take LinkedIn suggestions/ Improve your profile wizard)
   2. Showcase your work
   3. Get Recommendations

Infographic Resume :
Infographic is using an image to communicate data or Visualizing Infirmation
Creating infogram  is easy...Use 
Here are Visualizations on Pintrest to get inspiration
Infographic Visual Resumes on Pinterest

If you find it difficult to create your own visualization,
you can try the easiest 
or try out the brilliant  Resum.Up
Where  visualization of your resume is made easy and you can get awsome Visual Resumes.

Other Awesome Resumes :

Twesumes : 
Twisume is 140 Character Twitter message that is a crisp Bio-data coupled with the hash tag #twesume.
Take a look at this Twisume of Santa Claus
Santa Claus: World traveller and toy expert. 300+ years management experience. Looking for a position in the entertainment industry. #twesume
as it can connect the prospective  recruiter to your Twitter account, Your profile and tweets showcase your Skill, Will and Knowledge...
Look for more on  Mashable article on Twisume

Phone App as Resume :
a Good idea to explore.Still a niche.. but a creative way to do so.. to showcase your skills.

Creative Resumes : 

Here are some very very creative resumes showcased in  Bored Panda 
Here is a sample...

The new age resignations...

In the new age of communications, even resignations are made sensational... Thus sometimes making them as Heroes and New Opportunities knocking their doors despite their controversial yet, creative resignations.

Musical Resignation that had gone viral....

However, I caution... Do not emulate...
Why the ‘Joey Quits’ Video Is A Seriously Bad Career Move
Here is a Dancing to Resignation that also had gone viral....

If you wish to know more about resignations read  the article 

Five 'kick a__' resignations that went viral...

Epilogue: Resume or Resignation... Win Hearts... Let people remember you for the Right Reasons....

I am selfish. I want to live twice. I donated my organs : Repost

Logo from Committee of Organ Donation in Lebanon

God bestowed us with the power to donate life.
I donated my organs. Have you ?
By donating your organs after you die,
you can save or improve as many as 80 lives.
If you still have doubts
Mayoclinic : Organ donation: Don't let these myths confuse you
Listen to TED Talk by Dr. Chris Barry, a transplant surgeon from Rochester Medical Center.

Mobile Simulator for your Website : Mobilizer

It's a simple no-nonsense tool to demonstrate your mobile websites, mobile SFA tools in action. You can save them as images for your presentations.
Its really good...Very simple to use for demonstrations.
Here is how LCDing shows up on various mobiles...

Mobilizer from Spring box
Enables users to showcase design mockups, mobile websites, and local HTML in life-like form. Fast and easy to use, users simply choose a device, enter a URL or design, and Mobilizer instantly constructs a vivid, pixel-accurate display- ready for presentations, pitches and portfolios. 

Search Google by Image

Have you ever tried searching Google for an image you already have? Take a look.

Want to learn more on how to search Google ? Watch this video.